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Friday, July 13, 2012

Tragedy of failure in the treatment of addiction


  Addiction is one of the most serious addiction problems and crucial issues that homeless and destroyed thousands of young people, demolished and destroyed thousands of families ..

failure of  addiction cure is for many reasons including  Neglect of treatment the causes that produced the addict

relying solely on isolating the patient and the withdrawal of anesthetics and  giving him painkillers and sedatives only alternative, causing frequent relapse

inaccurate diagnosis, which includes the study of personal patient and associated psychiatric disorders or addictive, and then provide integrated treatment includes drug therapy and psychotherapy in various ways (especially Psychotherapy and psychotherapy religious approach ) under the supervision of psychiatrists specialists and trainers because the addiction mental illness classified globally affects biological functions, psychological and social ill, it is not just a minor problem can penetrate from one side or the jurisprudence of personnel

the mistakes made by some amateur treatment of addictive and users devoted to despair and charlatans of healing and deepen the tragedy of addiction and prevent resolution


  the treatment and education through the stories of intimidation and tips is more harmful than good, because the addict cares about the direct immediate pleasure

indulgence of some doctors and pharmacists in the disbursement of psychotropic substances in large doses, especially as some of benzodiazpines derivatives such as Valium and  and others lead to addiction if used in high doses for more than a month 



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