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Saturday, May 19, 2012

4 Reasons make People Relapse

Reason 1:  We can't stay without doing something as a solution to stop something, because the mind can't proceeds  negatively. It needs a subject to focus on.

What this means is that the act of trying not to focus on something, brings that thing into your mind, where you have to deal with it. For example, when I say “Don't think of ice cream”, what do you immediately think of? Ice cream.

Similarly, when someone says, “I want really to stop drinking”, what is the issue they are actually focused on? Of course , drinking.   This is why so many alcoholics feel the subject is always on their mind.

It is like whenever you say what you don't want, as in “I don't want to smoke”, or “I don't want to do have alcohol”, or it's like going into a super market with a shopping list of things you don't want to buy. With such a list, you could spend all your time in the store trying to avoid certain items, without ever actually getting the things you really want or need!

The Solution: You must pay more attention to what you do want, rather than being subconsciously ruled by what you don’t want.

Reason 2: People have a need to be harmonious with the way they define themselves.

if a young boy calls himself a “diver”, what kind of things would he do? Go diving, watch diving videos.
Similarly, guess what happens when someone calls himself an alcoholic? Suddenly, that person adopts what being an alcoholic actually means to him: always feeling powerless, insecure, out of control, getting drunk, having hangovers…

The Solution: Develop a healthier self-image. Become more open to possibilities, and more distinctive in what you believe.


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